(Above; Children of the Underground, on FX.Cobb County manufactures a case against Evangelist, and modern Harriet Tubman, Mrs.Faye Yager. See my post, The Atlanta Journal Constitution Covers For The Network(again),or: F*ck you, Bill Torpy.)
(Above;Me. Doing God’s work. For more about me, see my posts,The Cobb Way, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Embraced The NWO. Mystical Experience, God, & Conspiracies, & A Nice Jewish Boy from LA.)
I’ve been fortunate so far.
From The Cobb Way;
September, 2006: Jude & Fatherhood.
Jessie and I stood in the smoking section outside of Northside Hospital. We had been co-workers at HSI for six years and had shared many cigarettes, but this one was special. We were now proud fathers (Jessie’s woman had a daughter). That cigarette would also be one of my last. After an intense 19 year romance, I quit smoking. The day Jude came into this world changed me. I was now responsible for a tiny soul who I loved and cherished more than I thought possible.
It’s no joke when you're told becoming a parent is the biggest life-changing event you can experience. The birth of my son overwhelmed me on every level and drastically altered my perspective. I was forced to look at the world beyond my own selfish experience. I loved fatherhood, and I was a great dad. Supportive, and always challenging Jude. When he got older, we played games, wrestled, boxed, and watched movies and tv. I went to every soccer practice and every game. Bright and sarcastic, I adored Jude, who could keep up with me mentally at an early age.
(Above; Fun at Kennesaw Mountian National Battlefield. Jude and Daddy.)
(Above; Jude and me. East Cobb Park, Georgia. 2010.)
(Above; Kick out the jams. Jude was raised surrounded by music, film,comedy,and artistic, creative, people.)
Stay tuned …
God Bless.
Cobb County Bureau Chief,
Kevin H
WARNING! A great sense of humor is ABSOLUTELY mandatory.
DISCLAIMER: I’m neither racist, homophobic, anti- Semitic, or whatever else you’ve got. I’m merely a writer/comedian/observer with a dark, irreverent, politically incorrect sense of humor. If this isn’t your type of humor, please kindly leave and respect my freedom of speech (and the sacred American rights of amateur comedians).
BACKGROUND: The Oldest Story In The World
My story is a tired Hollywood cliche... an innocent man is mistaken for a guitar playing park pedophile, police terrorize man, man develops PTSD, the system covers for the police, man sues the police, man begins documentary film, man is harrassed,man drops case and flees across the country with his family, orange vapor shoots light into man, man sees clearly, man writes best-selling book and lives happily ever after. We’ve all heard the plot before. I’m finishing up that best-selling book now.
THE COBB WAY is a novel. A dark, fictional account of my adventures living in Cobb County, Georgia. Another title might be, What Happens When A Citizen Is Maliciously Traumatized By Law Enforcement And Jumps Down The Murky And Dangerous Rabbit Hole Of Dealing With Police Misconduct In The State Of Georgia? The last title being a little lengthy. This site is a smattering of book excerpts, thoughts, opinions, essays, and rants.
THE COBB WAY SENTINEL is a newsletter. A blog which follows the local news, politics, history, culture war, with additional thoughts and commentary by a politically incorrect, former Cobb County insider.
Enjoy both separately or together.