The Cobb Way Sentinel
The Cobb Way Sentinel Podcast
2022: The Year In Review. Our Top Stories. #'s 5, 6, (& 7). The Downfall of Sheriff Victor Hill. Cobb is Bleeding. & Charges Dropped for APD Officer, Garrett Rolfe.

2022: The Year In Review. Our Top Stories. #'s 5, 6, (& 7). The Downfall of Sheriff Victor Hill. Cobb is Bleeding. & Charges Dropped for APD Officer, Garrett Rolfe.

Links below.
The Cobb Way Sentinel
Sheriff Victor Hill, Superstar! Or:"I Told You So!" Opinion on the outcome of the Victor Hill trial.
The Clayton Way? (Above;Sheriff Victor Hill. Screenshot, youtubE) Had Sheriff Victor Hill been terrorizing the citizens of Clayton County? The recent 6 guilty verdicts would indicate a ‘yes’. Hill’s defense? He simply needs to maintain order. My Take…
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(Above; Suspended, Historic, Black, Clayton County Sheriff, Victor Hill likes puppies. Photo, Facebook. Clayton County Animal Control.)

The Cobb Way
American Police State:Forget About The Ku Klux Klan: Meet Clayton County's First, Historic, Black, Sheriff, Victor Hill.
Now That’s Progress: Clayton County, Georgia. (Above; Suspended, Historic, Black, Clayton County Sheriff, Victor Hill likes puppies. Photo, Facebook. Clayton County Animal Control.) Snipers, RICO,& Racism. Ride Along With Historic, Southern Sheriff, Victor Hill…
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The Cobb Way Sentinel
Random Consensual Encounters With Black Men: In The News: Victor Hill & Clayton County PD
The Trial Of Victor Hill Begins Today With Jury Selection. And Two Black Comedians Are Singing Those Clayton County Blues…. (Above; I am the Constitution. Suspended Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill) With suspended and controversial Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill’s federal civil rights trial slated to begin today, Clayton County’s Police department…
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The Cobb Way Sentinel
Breaking News: Charges Dropped Against Officer Garrett Rolfe In The 2020, Atlanta Shooting Death Of Mr. Rayshard Brooks.
Is the current, Black run, Atlanta government now the KKK ? Progress, or Political Inversion ? Ask Lance LoRusso? How does this news effect the officers’ KKK, civil rights, conspiracy, lawsuit against Atlanta? Only Blueline attorney, Lance Lorusso knows? Give us a hint, Lance…
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The Cobb Way Sentinel
Controversial Suspended Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill Found Guilty! Vows to bind the judge and jury to restraint chairs.
What’s next for Victor Hill? Until next time. God bless all. Cobb County Bureau Chief/NWO watchdog, Kevin H. WARNING! A great sense of humor is ABSOLUTELY mandatory. DISCLAIMER: I’m neither racist, homophobic, anti- Semitic, or whatever else you’ve got. I’m merely a writer/comedian/observer with a dark, irreverent, politically incorrect sense of humor. If this…
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